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Sunday, April 10, 2016

Pass the Coffee Please!

Its been one of those mornings.

You know, the ones where your kids wake up before the sun comes up and instead of snuggles and sweet voices of "Mommy, I love you." You instead hear screaming and "Mommy, I'm hungry, I need cereal!!!!" as if they have not eaten in months.

Thank goodness I remembered to prep the coffee last night so this morning as I drug myself out of bed and half asleep made my way to the kitchen, all I had to do was press one button to brew my glorious pot of coffee.

Coffee. Such a simple word. Yet for moms of tiny little dictators (Aka - Toddlers) it may as well be a drug of choice. The aroma of the coffee brewing, the "splosh" of filling a cup, the "tink, tink, tink" or stirring in your favorite creamer or sweetener, the "ahhhh" warm fuzzies you get as you take that first sip.

Coffee is morning life for me. Its what helps me wake up, focus (somewhat) on my day ahead, and be able to get through the endless babble and blubbering of toddlers and a baby.

As a mom, and a person who adores and cherishes some alone time, I diligently set my alarm clock every evening for the following morning to go off at 6am. ((I can just hear the laughs from moms who wouldnt dare venturing out of their bed before 8am or 9am. I applaud you for getting your kids to sleep that late, mine seem to sense the sun and are up at the very latest of 7:30am.)) However, even though I set my alarm like a good mom, when 6am rolls around - I lay there weighing the pros and cons of sleeping till they wake up, or getting up and having some peace and quiet to myself. Sleep almost always wins.

But then I notice something whenever I do get out of bed. I notice that when I end up waking up the same time as my kids, I feel rushed to start my day. I dont get to ease into being mommy, cook, maid, chauffeur, and all the other hats I wear during a 24 hour period. I'm instantly being pulled on, pleaded with, asked a thousand questions, and I notice when I dont get my quiet time before the crazy begins, I am aggrivated, I'm tense, I'm frustrated before it ever hits 9am. I dont like starting my days like that. I like being able to sit down on the couch and read to my kiddos. I like being able to wash dishes while I hear them sharing their toys with each other. I like being able to approach my day with calmness knowing that I started it off right.

What are some things that you do as a mom to prep for your day? Do you wake up early? Leave me a comment below and give me some of your ideas for starting your day off right!

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